From introductory level courses to certified sommelier courses

Wine as



How to become a sommelier?

In a restaurant the sommelier works to meet the needs of customers whilst ensuring the wines are paired well with the menu. Ideally a sommelier has acquired the formal training to be versed in all aspects of wine service, wine acquisition, storage and cellar management.

“A sommelier has to rely on his/her sensory abilities to ensure the full enjoyment of wine.”

Elvis Costa
President of the Sommelier Association South Tyrol

Sommelier courses and exams

To our courses we welcome those working in gastronomy, wineries, the wine trade and everyone else who is truly passionate about wine. We ensure an outstanding level of teaching by a highly qualified and passionately committed team.

Course Level I

16.09.–06.11.2024 (Vinschgau)

Course Level I

Zeitraum/Periodo: 16.09.–06.11.2024
Sprache/Lingua: deutsch
Uhrzeiten/Orario: 18.30-21.30 Uhr/ore
Ort/Località: Schloss Goldrain
Preis/Prezzo: 950,00 €




03.06.2024 – Schriftliche Prüfung/Esame scritto
03.07.2024 – Mündliche Prüfung/Esame orale




Il contributo si compone come segue e puó essere saldato interamente all’Associazione Italiana Sommelier-Sede Alto Adige. Provvede la sede ad inviare la quota per AIS Italia alla centrale.

Contributo AIS 90,00.- €
+ Contributo AIS Alto Adige 20,00.- €
= 110,00.- € Quota annuale 2024

Studienführer/Guida agli studi

Ausbildung/qualificazione professionale

Studienführer/Guida agli studi

Ausbildung zum Diplomsommelier
Corso di qualificazione professionale per Sommelier

Courses (preparation for the exam)

Ausbildung/qualificazione professionale

Courses (preparation for the exam)

Ausbildung zum Diplomsommelier
Corso di qualificazione professionale per Sommelier


Kurs Stufe/Corso livello I:

  • 16.09.–06.11.2024 – deutsch – Vinschgau/Schloss Goldrain

Kurs Stufe/Corso livello II:

Kurs Stufe/Corso livello III:


  • 03.06.2024 – Schriftliche Prüfung/Esame scritto
  • 03.07.2024 – Mündliche Prüfung/Esame orale

Prüfungsvorbereitungskurse 2024 (in deutscher Sprache)
in der Weinakademie Südtirol:

  • Mo. 25.11.2024 Prüfungsvorbereitung Sommelierkurs ab 17.30 Kellerei St.Pauls


  • Kurs Stufe/Corso livello I: € 950
  • Kurs Stufe/Corso livello II: € 1.050
  • Kurs Stufe/Corso livello III: € 1.200
  • Prüfung/esami: € 250

Attention: Limited number of participants
subject to alterations

Informazioni Quota sociale 2024

Il contributo annuale si compone come segue e può essere saldato interamente ad AIS Alto Adige. Provvederà poi la sede regionale ad inviare la quota per AIS Italia alla sede centrale.

  • Contributo AIS 90,00. – € +
  • Contributo AIS Alto Adige 20,00. – €
  • = 110,00.- € Quota annuale 2024

Tutti i soci residenti all’estero, hanno la possibilità di ricevere la guida vini Vitae nonché la rivista AIS, dietro pagamento della quota supplementare di € 90,00. Dati per il bonifico:


  • CASSA RURALE RENON Società Cooperativa Filiale Bolzano
  • Via Weggenstein, 36/A, 39100 Bolzano
  • IBAN: IT 17 H 08187 11600 000000717876




Il contributo si compone come segue e puó essere saldato interamente all’Associazione Italiana Sommelier-Sede Alto Adige. Provvede la sede ad inviare la quota per AIS Italia alla centrale.

Contributo AIS 90,00.- €
+ Contributo AIS Alto Adige 20,00.- €
= 110,00.- € Quota annuale 2024


Registered members
Students 2019-2021
Graduated Sommeliers


Come membro attivo puoi beneficiare di numerosi vantaggi. Uno di questi è l’utilizzo di AIS E-DUCATIONAL, che trovi sul sito web dell’Associazione Italiana Sommelier.

E-ducational è uno strumento di apprendimento di formazione e di allenamento per noi Sommelier. All’interno troverai una sezione E-course rivolta a chi frequenta il corso per sommelier per l’allenamento e la preparazione all’esame finale. Sarà inoltre disponibile una sezione E-sommelier che consente un’allenamento continuo sui contenuti del corso. L’iscrizione è riservata ai soci in regola con la quota associativa.

Wine Seminars of the Wine Academy South Tyrol

No matter how much wine knowledge is already available, whether someone wants to train professionally or spend an enjoyable evening, whether it should go quickly or whether more time can be invested – the offer of the South Tyrolean Wine Academy is broadly diversified.

Through the cooperation with the Wine Academy South Tyrol, all members who are in order with the payment of the membership fee of the current year receive a discount of 10% on numerous events and training courses.

Wine Seminars of the Wine Academy South Tyrol

No matter how much wine knowledge is already available, whether someone wants to train professionally or spend an enjoyable evening, whether it should go quickly or whether more time can be invested – the offer of the South Tyrolean Wine Academy is broadly diversified.

Through the cooperation with the Wine Academy South Tyrol, all members who are in order with the payment of the membership fee of the current year receive a discount of 10% on numerous events and training courses.

“A sommelier has to rely on his/her sensory abilities to ensure the full enjoyment of wine.”

Elvis Costa, President

“A sommelier has to rely on his/her sensory abilities to ensure the full enjoyment of wine.”

Elvis Costa, President

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    Das The wine magazine of the
    South Tyrolean Sommelier Association

    VOUCHERS: With one of our vouchers you can give your loved ones a sommelier course.

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      By using our services or registering, you agree to the terms of the privacy policy.

      Our Membership

      New AIS Statute